Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blog #12 - Gregor Mendel and his Pea Plant Experiments

Look up Gregor Mendel and his pea plant experiments. Why does P1 look all alike and F1 looks very different?

P1 look all alike because there are two different type of traits which are dominant and recessive. The dominant traits are the yellow color and the round shape since they are green color and has the wrinkly shape. It is also because of genes which he used to called it "units" and "factor." F1 looks very different because the planted seeds from the all-yellow, all-round crop, creates from the parents generation and creates to a grown plant. Most of the second generation of peas were yellow and smooth, but some were green or wrinkly.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog #11 - Should We Be Able to Pick the Traits of Babies?

In the movie Gattaca parents were allowed to pick the traits of their babies, should we be able to do this? Why or why not?

We should not be able to pick the traits of babies. It is because it can harm the babies in many ways. The genes in the babies would changed and it could mess them up. It is possible for the babies to get a disease when they grow up or when they are young. For example, cancer, HIV, mentally retarded, etc. Everyone in the world is different and they should remain that way.