Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog #4 - Article

This article is about scientist had found a planet orbiting the sun about 20 light-years away. Scientists calls the first planet, "goldilocks" planet because the temperature is just right for someone to live there. Scientist had found some water on "goldilocks," but it is either solid or that the temperature is warm enough for the water to boil away. The new planet is called Gliese 581-g, but is different. Scientist have no evidences of water on the planet. But to the scientist, Paul Butler, he thinks is that it is the right distance away from the sun to have liquid water and have the right amount of mass to hold an atmosphere. It also protects liquid water to stay on the surface.

I think this is important because it helps expands the universal more and that people can live not only on one planet, but on other ones too.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog #3 - Are non carbon based life forms possible?

Are non carbon based life forms possible? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.

I don't think non carbon based life forms are not possible. If non carbon based life forms were ever possible, why wasn't there ever any sign of it? Also if non carbon based life forms were possible, astronauts would have seen them when they go to space. So that concludes that non carbon based life forms are not possible.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog #2 - Should the US switch to the metric system?

Several years ago  NASA rocket failed because scientists were not using the same system of measurement for all the parts. Should the US switch to the metric system? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons to support your answer.

 The US should switch to the metric system because it would be less complicated. It would also be faster for the scientist to just to use the same system of measurement instead of using different system of measurements.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Blog #1 - Goals for the Class and the School Year

Goals for the class:
  • get an A in the class. 
    • I will do all my works and study for quiz or tests.
Goals for the school year:
  • Get straight A's with a 4.15 GPA
  • Get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam.